Holiday in Cambodia: Day 6, Battambang to Phnom Penh

For those following at home, this one should be a short entry. I’m now back in Noongar Boodjar, eating overpriced avocado on toast and sipping on an iced coffee with dairy products that have known actual refrigeration, and am playing catch-up. Went for Khmer noodle soup breakfast this morning, lots of noodles, some greens in a soup of turmeric, galangal, […]

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Mambo de la luna: Day 1+, the longest day

I’m a little bit north of the Aleutian Islands, a little south of the Bering Strait, the International Date Line is possibly somewhere below me, and am just over halfway through the longest flight of my life. And not just my life, many lives, as I’m on what is currently the longest non-stop commercial flight in the world, heading from […]

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