Holiday in Cambodia: Days 8&9, Phnom Penh

Day 8/9: Phnom Penh I didn’t sleep well that night. (Writing this from over a week away, in the comfort of home, the other side of a head cold, so these ramblings may not have the same immediacy as previous entries.) I didn’t sleep well that night. I probably slept better for the late night drag show and $4 mojitos, […]

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Holiday in Cambodia: Day 6, Battambang to Phnom Penh

For those following at home, this one should be a short entry. I’m now back in Noongar Boodjar, eating overpriced avocado on toast and sipping on an iced coffee with dairy products that have known actual refrigeration, and am playing catch-up. Went for Khmer noodle soup breakfast this morning, lots of noodles, some greens in a soup of turmeric, galangal, […]

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Holiday in Cambodia: Day 5, Battambang

So I have a list, which would come as no surprise to anyone, as every traveller has at least one list: things to always pack, things to avoid packing, 15 ways to be a tight-arse in an impoverished country, and so on. Mine is in response to the frequent question: where would you love to go to or go back […]

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Holiday in Cambodia: Day 4, Siem Reap to Battambang

Today, for better and worse, was what travelling is all about. Real travel, the stuff the stories get told about, where not everything goes as expected but everything turns out okay in the end. The boat. There are two ways to get to Battambang from Siem Reap, either by road or by water. Most people travel by road: bus, taxi, […]

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