Day 28 – London

Today we caught up with L’s cousin E, who lives somewhere south of woop-woop (actually in the commuting belt for London, but outside the M25 so therefore in the boonies). We rushed down breakfast in order to make all the right trains, and got ourselves to Hampden Court, locale of the famous palace where Henry VIII liked to park his […]

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Day 22 – Edinburgh

Today was a designated shopping day,  looking for interesting shiny things as well as tacky souvenirs for all you folks brainwashed by capitalism to expect more from out travels than the experience of reading our journals. Fortunately, another thing Scotland does well is its ability to stick some tartan or a St Andrew’s Cross on almost anythingand flog it off […]

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Day 19 – Landrillo – Wolverhampton – Edinburgh

A day of three countries. Started with another fine breakfast at TL, more laverbread, bacon, black pudding and other breakfasty goodness. Overall the food has been pretty good here, possibly slightly below other Michelin-starred experiences but still very fine. Packing up the car we caught a good sight of many of our fellow guests, shooters up for a bit of […]

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Day 18 (part 2) – Landrillo, Snowdonia and Portmeirion

After farewelling mum, we headed off to Portmeirion, the seaside locale where weird and strange building features go to retire. Bizarre features, out of place architecture, statues that would otherwise be considered grotesque, and random hanging sheep signs are the norm here. So far, so weird. The place’s cool credentials come from being the location where The Prisoner, that fabulous […]

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